What extent should suzanne be so concerned about aaron

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Reference no: EM131065563

Interpersonal Relations Case 13.1

The Talkative Boss

Suzanne, a claims adjuster,looked up from her desk as she saw her boss, Aaron, approaching. Suzanne muttered to herself," I hope Aaron has a brief question related to my job. I don't have time to talk with him this morning. If I don't get this complicated Claim processed this morning, the sales department will be screaming at me."

"Hi Suzanne," said .Aaron. It looks like another beautiful day here in Monterey. There's not a cloud in the sky. It's criminal to be inside on such a nice day. My family and I would love to he down at the beach. How are things going for you today?"

"Nothing too had is happening," said Suzanne. "I'll be caught up with my work soon. I'm on a rush job right now. The sales department is pushing me to get this complicated claim finished by noon today."

"Suzanne, don't let the sales department hassle you.

"They want everything right away. Somehow the sales department doesn't realize that claims adjusting takes a lot of painful attention to detail. Better late than lousy, I always say."

"I don't disagree with you, Aaron. It's just that not; getting a claim processed on time makes me a little nervous. We could lose a big customer by being late on paying claim."

"Don't be so uptight, Suzanne. You're too young for high blood pressure or a coronary," responded Aaron.

Aaron proceeded to engage Suzanne in general conversation for another 15 minutes before he received a text message from his assistant. "Sorry we don't have enough time to finish our business," said Aron as he left Suzanne's cubicle.
Suzanne then worked through her lunch hour and turned in her claims report one hour late. Perplexed, she telephoned Lori, a coworker in another department, and asked if she would be able to meet on a bench outside the office building after work for a few minutes.

After the two were comfortably seated, Suzanne lamented to Lori: "I just don't know what to do about Aaron. He's gobbling up my time. At least three days a week he sits in front of my desk chatting for fifteen minutes, about nothing, in particular. If I look like I warn him to leave, he becomes annoyed. Once when I tried to politely get Aaron away from my desk, he told me that our conference was not over until he said it was,"

"What really worries me is that Aaron sometimes chastises me for being late with my work, when it is he who is making me let. The whole thing has become a ridiculous problem. Any suggestions?"

Case Questions

1. To what extent should Suzanne be so concerned about Aaron taking up her time?

2. What should Suzanne do to preserve her relationship with her boss, yet still get her work on time?

3. Should Suzanne work extra hours to make up for the time she loses in small talk with Aaron?

4. What specific technique about boss relationship apply to this case?

Reference no: EM131065563

Questions Cloud

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What extent should suzanne be so concerned about aaron : To what extent should Suzanne be so concerned about Aaron taking up her time - what should Suzanne do to preserve her relationship with her boss, yet still get her work on time?
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