What extent should nationalism be embraced

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133729417

Hello! I'm writing about current global events and I decided to choose the Israel and Palestine situation. I want to place my stance in the middle by saying that Palestinians deserve freedom but at the same time, Hamas should not be targeting innocent Israelis. On the other hand, Israel shouldn't have confined and restricted Palestinians in their own nation. Written in this format:

Be sure to consider the overarching question for Social 20-1: To what extent should Nationalism be embraced? Think of 5 W's (who, what, where, when, why) when seeking information.

Write a comparative piece on your current event in the following format:

First paragraph - explain the event in a way that would educate other students in the school effectively

Second paragraph - explain one potential argument or viewpoint of the event. This may be from an outsider's perspective or someone the event impacts more seriously.

Third paragraph - explain an OPPOSING argument or viewpoint from previous paragraph.

Fourth paragraph - now that you have examined two sides of an event or current political issue, place the paragraph explaining the stance on the issue or event and to what extent Nationalist Ideologies are at play. Briefly describe at least three pieces of evidence to support the position.

Reference no: EM133729417

Questions Cloud

Emphasizes the collective ownership of means of production : Economic ideology that emphasizes the collective ownership of the means of production and the distribution of goods based on need rather than profit.
Why is the government broken into three branches : Explain the judicial, legislative, and executive powers. Why is the government broken into three branches?
Importance of public health policy on the national : Provide an example of a public health policy. This can come from any area, such as vaccinations, nutrition and food safety, drugs, environmental protection.
What does that mean for policies and bills for all people : Given the purpose of the census are all people equally represented in government? What does that mean for policies and bills for all people?
What extent should nationalism be embraced : Be sure to consider the overarching question for Social 20-1: To what extent should Nationalism be embraced?
How are international parties attempting to resolve conflict : Who are the key players? How are International parties attempting to resolve the conflict?
Activities of the global al-qaeda network : We must first obtain information about the global al-Qaeda network and its leaders to assist the strategy's requirement of analyzing.
How would you attract like-minded people to your cause : How would you attract like-minded people to your cause? Do you think it's still important to go to the capitol to meet with legislators in person?
Discuss about geopolitics of migration in europe : I am going to have the topics of introduction, Historical context of migration in Europe and current migration trends.


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