What expectations might public funders have

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131137336

Discussion Questions

All answers need to be 100 or more words long.

1. What expectations might public funders have that you are less likely to have to address with private funders?

2. One advantage that I've seen to public funding is that it tends to be available in larger amounts over multi-year periods. That is not always the case, but getting a larger grant that lasts 3-5 years, even though it takes more work up front, may be worth it in the long run. Do you agree? Why or why not?

3. There are definitely trends in what funders are seeking to fund. What kinds of programing do you think are currently at the top of the trend curve, and why?

4. Matching grantors' goals with your own is very important. What do you think you might do if you could not find a funder who matched perfectly with your planned program? Would you consider changing the program to meet the funder's needs? What other resources besides grants can programs use to help them develop and continue their services?

Reference no: EM131137336

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