What expect to be true for their sons

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13114282

In humans, blue eyes are inherited as a recessive autosomal trait and color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait. A woman with blue eyes and normal color vision whose father was color blind marries a man who also has normal color vision. He has brown eyes, but his mother had blue eyes. Which of the following do you expect to be true for their sons?

One-half of their sons will be color blind and have blue eyes; 1/2 their sons will be color blind and have brown eyes.

One-fourth of their sons will be color blind and have blue eyes, 1/4 of their sons will be color blind and have brown eyes, 1/4 of their sons will have normal color vision and blue eyes, 1/4 of their sons will have normal color vision and brown eyes.

Their sons will all have normal color vision and blue eyes.

Their sons will all have normal color vision and brown eyes.

One-half of their sons will have normal color vision and brown eyes; 1/2 of their sons will have normal color vision and blue eyes.

Reference no: EM13114282

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