What existing laws do you feel would need to be considered

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133693217

Homework: Analyze Legal and Ethical Issues in the Field of Information Technology


The purpose of this homework is to examine ethical and legal issues regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in decision-making.


You work for a large psychological counseling agency in the role of CIO. The CEO has stated that she wants to use a computational system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) for predictive assessment of patients' chances of success under different treatment plans. Your response should consider the following:

I. Discuss the ethical concerns raised in using this type of AI. Examine the scenario under the three concepts of:

i. societal ethics
ii. organizational ethics
iii. individual ethics

II. Evaluate this scenario based on information technology and cybersecurity laws.

i. What existing laws do you feel would need to be considered and why?
ii. Are there any cases related to AI and predictive assessment that have been ruled on?

III. Based on this analysis, make a recommendation to the CEO as to whether you recommend using this system. Provide your justification. You might also recommend that further research is needed before making a decision. If that is your choice, justify your reasoning and suggest what future research should be.

Reference no: EM133693217

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