Reference no: EM133491049
Question 1. In Petrarch's "Letter Criticizing the Avignon Papacy," about whom is he talking when he mentions "the successors of the poor fishermen of Galilee"? What is the particular contrast that bothers Petrarch between those "poor fishermen" and the "successors" from Petrarch's own time?
Question 2. In Martin Luther's "The Tower Experience," Luther reports something that deeply bothered him while he was reading several books of the Christian Bible: the Psalms, Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews. What was it?
Question 3. How did Luther solve his problem - that is, how did he come to understand as joyful and encouraging what he previously saw as depressing and upsetting?
Question 4. In Luther's "Letter to the Archbishop of Mainz," he as a young monk was writing to probably the most powerful and important leader in the entire Christian church in Germany about the selling of "indulgences." (Indulgences are forgiveness or pardon from punishment in the afterlife, in Purgatory, for committing sins while alive.) According to this letter, what specific problems did Luther have with indulgences?
Question 5. John Calvin's "On Double Predestination" is very short, but also very complicated. What exactly was Calvin saying here about God's treatment of all human beings? What does it mean to be the "elect" and the "reprobate"?