What evidence supports the main point

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Reference no: EM132238785

Reading the article, write a 500-word article critique by addressing each of the following items:

Article - Drug Testing and the Right to Privacy: Arguing the Ethics of Workplace Drug Testing by Michael Cranford

Briefly introduce and summarize the article.

Do the author''s arguments support his or her main point?

What evidence supports the main point?

How could the topic of this article apply to your personal or professional life?

How could the topic apply to an organization you have observed?

How would you explain the role of leadership in corporate culture, and how would you describe leadership styles and how they affect ethical decision-making?

Are there any inherent unethical practices with drug testing, though it is technically legal?

What conclusions can you draw about the ethical issues facing business leaders?

The Unit II Article Critique should be at least 500 words in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12 point font.

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The article is a critique about drug testing in workplace. The ethical standards of this procedure is discussed here. Other topics which were included are what do you mean by leadership, the role of leaders and the type of leadership.

Reference no: EM132238785

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