What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients

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Reference no: EM133691102

Assignment: Journal Entry

I. Goal: Enhance Proficiency in Differential Diagnosis Skills

1. Objective: By the end of the first quarter, I will engage in bi-weekly supervision sessions with an experienced clinician to strengthen my ability to differentiate between pathophysiological and psychopathological conditions, achieving a 20% improvement in independent decision-making.

2. Objective: Over the practicum duration, attend relevant workshops and seminars focused on advanced diagnostic reasoning, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of normal/abnormal age-related physiological and psychological symptoms, resulting in a 15% increase in confident decision-making in this domain.

3. Objective: Collaborate with peers and mentors to review and discuss complex cases, seeking diverse perspectives to broaden my knowledge base and contribute to the development of a robust, prioritized differential diagnoses list for each case.

II. Goal: Strengthen Implementation of Screening Instruments

1. Objective: Within the first two months, participate in supervised sessions to enhance my ability to select the most appropriate screening instrument for various clinical situations, achieving a 15% increase in confidence and accuracy.

2. Objective: Implement screening instruments under supervision, aiming for a 20% improvement in efficiency and effectiveness in client interactions by the end of the third quarter.

3. Objective: Independently interpreting and document screening instrument results for at least 15 cases by the end of the practicum, demonstrating a 25% increase in accurate interpretation and actionable recommendations.

III. Goal: Improve Reflective Practice and Documentation Skills

1. Objective: Develop and implement a plan for weekly self-reflection on clinical experiences, documenting insights, challenges, and areas for improvement, with a goal to consistently dedicate at least 30 minutes per week for reflective practice.

2. Objective: Attend a workshop on effective documentation techniques within the first three months, applying the acquired knowledge to improve the clarity, thoroughness, and organization of my clinical documentation, with a target of achieving a 20% enhancement.

3. Objective: Regularly review and discuss my documented goals, outcomes, and modifications with a supervisor, seeking feedback to refine my reflective and documentation practices, aiming for a 15% improvement in the quality of documentation and goal evaluation.

IV. Goal: Foster Independence in Diagnostic Reasoning Across Age Groups

1. Objective: Develop a personal study plan to enhance my knowledge of the psychopathology of mental illnesses across different age groups, dedicating a minimum of two hours per week to self-directed learning, resulting in a 25% improvement in understanding.

2. Objective: Independently lead case discussions on diverse age-related mental health issues within a group setting, achieving a 20% increase in confidence and competence in formulating diagnoses based on DSM-5-TR criteria.

3. Objective: Collaborate with experienced clinicians to assess and formulate diagnoses for at least 20 cases across different age groups, aiming for a 15% increase in independence and accuracy in diagnostic reasoning by the end of the practicum.


In 450 to 500 words, address the following:

1) Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.

2) Reflect on the three most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?

3) What did you learn from this experience?

4) What resources did you have available?

5) What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?

6) What new skills are you learning?

7) What would you do differently?

8) How are you managing patient flow and volume?

Communicating and Feedback

1) Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.
2) Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?
3) Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor.

Reference no: EM133691102

Questions Cloud

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