Reference no: EM133206231 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages
Question 1: What are the Three (3) Periods of the Mesozoic Era?
Question 2: In what Geologic Eon was the Mesozoic?
Question 3: For what group of animals is the Mesozoic Period most known?
Question 4: The rise of the dinosaurs was contingent on what event? That is to ask, what global event happened that was the precursor to the rise of the dinosaurs?
Question 5: At the beginning of the Mesozoic, how were the continents arranged?
Question 6: At the end of the Mesozoic, how were the continents arranged?
Question 7: What event ended the Mesozoic and ushered in the Cenozoic?
Question 8: Discuss why is it difficult for organisms to become fossils?
Question 9: T/F - All dinosaurs were huge?
Question 10: T/F - All dinosaurs went extinct at the end of the Mesozoic?
Question 11: Give an example of a flying dinosaur.
Question 12: What is the name of the supercontinent during the Mesozoic?
Question 13: The term "MESOZOIC" literally translates as . . . ?
Question 14: T/F - Ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasurs, pterosaurs are all examples of Mesozoic dinosaurs?
Question 15: T/F - modern birds are more closely related to T-Rex than an iguana.
Question 16: T/F - Mammals evolved during the Mesozoic?
Question 17: T/F - There is strong evidence some dinosaurs were warm-blooded?
Question 18: How can one tell the difference between a true dinosaur and a reptile?
Question 19: T/F: It is unknown why some organisms become extince whilst others survive?