Reference no: EM133264685
1. Answer the following questions as a means of becoming more familiar with the components of the NASW Code of Ethics. Indicate where in the Code of Ethics you find the answer with number.
a. Social Workers may promote social justice and social change through a number of different activities: Name eight.
b. When Social Workers' ethical obligations conflict with agency policy, laws or regulations; what should a Social Worker do?
c. Name an example of when a Social Worker's commitment to a legal obligation supersedes his/her loyalty to the client.
3. Ping is a Social Worker at t mental health center that provides individual and group counseling for a wide range of problems and issues. Once of Ping's client is Cheyenne, age 14, who is depressed and potentially suicidal. During one of their individual counseling sessions Cheyenne tells Ping that she is sexually active. She states that if she gets pregnant with her current boyfriend, she will surely kill herself. Cheyenne asks Ping to help her get some form of contraception, possibly from Planned Parenthood. Cheyenne indicates her boyfriend refuses to use condoms because he says he doesn't like to feel restricted. Ping knows Cheyenne's parents are very religious and are fervently against premarital sex. They would never consent to Cheyenne using contraception. They would vehemently not allow Ping to interfere in this matter. But, what about Cheyenne's life and wellbeing? What should Ping do?
a. What ethical values or principles are in conflict?
4. Mutt and Jeff are Social Work counselors at a group home for adolescent boys with emotional and behavioral problems. They and their significant others occasionally have dinner with a mutual friend, Jerry, a county social services worker, along with his significant other. The three workers regularly compare "battle stories" about their most difficult cases. This occurs despite the fact that they have very different caseloads and their significant others are present to hear their discussion. Sometimes, after a few cocktails, voices elevate and other diners can overhear.
a. What ethical values or principles are in conflict?