What ethical guidelines are most concerning to you

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Reference no: EM133318034

Case Study: After you have discussed your worldview, values, and beliefs in the self-exploration move on to incorporating elements of counseling theory. You will ground your choice of theory in your worldview of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and firmly based in the existing theoretical literature.

As you discuss your emerging theoretical orientation, be sure to cover these essential elements of theory:

1) Theor(y)ies you plan to use and why

2) Population & setting you plan to work with

3) Key concepts and processes/techniques you plan to use

4) Strengths and limitations of your theories


Question 1. What have I discovered about myself as I examine my own worldview, personal values, and beliefs that might impact my work as a counselor?

Question 2. In light of my worldview, personal values, and beliefs, what are some of the strengths I see in myself as an emerging practitioner? What are some of the limitations?

Question 3. What do I need to explore and develop in myself in order to increase my ability to be an effective counselor?

Question 4. What life experiences have had the greatest influence on my ability to be an effective counselor?

Question 5. How flexible am I to experiences, worldviews, values, and beliefs that are different from my own?

Question 6. What particular types of clients or client issues would I have difficulty working with due to my current belief/value system?

Question 7. What ethical guidelines are most concerning to you.

Question 8. What can you do to protect yourself from ethical dilemmas/concerns.

Question 9. What characteristics specific to the theory are important for you as a counselor?

Question 10. What are your personal strengths and characteristics that will help you in your career as a helper?

Question 11. How do these strengths tie into the theory and client/counselor relationship?

Reference no: EM133318034

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