What elp assessment is given each year to ell students

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Reference no: EM133504800

Assignment: Clinical Field Experience- Standardized Assessments

Part I: Test Coordinator/School Administrator Interview

Interview a test coordinator or a school administrator who is responsible for coordinating the administration of standardized tests in the building. Include the following in your interview:

1. Which standardized assessments are given each year for all students in the school?

2. Which standardized assessments are given only to ELL/bilingual students?

3. Are ELL students ever exempt from yearly assessments? If so, from which parts of the assessments and why?

4. What accommodations can be given with the standardized, norm-referenced assessments?

5. What are the guidelines for implementing these accommodations during state-mandated assessments?

6. Who is responsible for ensuring state compliance with assessment accommodations and what verification tools are utilized?

7. What are the penalties for utilizing assessment accommodations unapproved by your state?

8. What are the requirements for educators to administer the different standardized assessments?

Part II: Mentor Interview

Interview your mentor to discuss English language proficiency (ELP) assessment data and how to interpret it. Include the following in your interview:

1. What ELP assessment is given each year to ELL/bilingual students?

2. What qualifications must the test administrator have to administer the ELP assessment?

3. What are the different components of the ELP assessment and how are the scores determined for each section of the assessment?

4. What are the requirements for achieving the benchmark on the ELP assessment?

5. What does the scale score mean on the ELP assessment?

6. How does the ELL/bilingual specialist compare testing data with daily in-class performance?

7. How is the data from the ELP assessment used by classroom teachers to help ELL students make gains in the L2 and content/subject area knowledge?

8. Can ELL students be exempt from any portion of the ELP assessment? Why or why not?

9. How are the ELP assessment results shared with students' families?

Part III: Reflection

In 250 to 350 words, reflect on the interviews and how you can use this information in your future professional practice.

1. How do you plan to use the knowledge of guidelines for state standardized testing and accommodations in your future professional practice?

2. How can a Christian worldview, which implies serving others, good works, and caring for the needs of others, affect the amount of effort and concern put forth in learning about the different assessment requirements to benefit all students in the classroom?

3. How does a Christian worldview extend to promoting justice and preventing inequalities by advocating for appropriate adherence to requirements and guidelines for assessing ELL/bilingual students?

Reference no: EM133504800

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