What elements of our current education system should change

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Reference no: EM132842558


Please complete the following. Your responses to the question(s) below should be between 100-500 words.

1. Watch Sir Ken Robinson's TED TALK called "How to Escape Education's Death Valley"where he outlines three principles that he sees are crucial for enabling the human mind to flourish while also describing how current education culture works against these principles.

2. Keeping in mind the sociological imagination, think about all of your experiences with education in Canada-in the context of what you have learned in this Module on Education answer THREE of the following questions.

o What elements of our current education system should change? What elements should remain the same?
o Can you reimagine learning spaces? How does classroom space impact teaching and learning?
o Can you reimagine our use of technology in education? What are the benefits and obstacles involved?
o Can you reimagine how teachers teach and how students learn?
o How can we overcome structural barriers to success for all students?
o How can we improve the relationship between education and other key social institutions like the economy, government, and family?

Attachment:- Escape Education.rar

Reference no: EM132842558

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