What effect would toxin a have on blood flow to the brain

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133570052


Toxin A', which blocks voltage-gated Na channels, is a toxin that is found in some species of octopus.

a. Below is a trace of a cardiac cell action potential before and after the application of TTX (indicated by the arrow) to a mouse heart. Provide an explanation for the effects of TTX observed below.

b. Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood pumped by one ventricle in a given period of time. CO is influenced by heart rate and the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle during one cardiac cycle. The units for CO are liters per minute. How would cardiac output be affected by treatment with TTX? Explain your logic.

c. Based on the information provided, what effect would 'Toxin A' have on blood flow to the brain (Increase, decrease, or no change)? Explain.



Reference no: EM133570052

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