Reference no: EM132400421
There are two parts to this assignment:
1. Journal Article Assignment
2. Presentation (don't need ppt)
You must make use of the following three sources:
1. A sociological journal article from a reputable academic source published in the last 20 years. This article should serve as the primary basis for your assignment.
2. Your textbook will provide you with the sociological concepts and theories that you will need to use when answering your research question.
3. A piece of media; for example, from mainstream news media, social media, a video, a meme, an advertisement, an image, a movie, a book, etc..
The sociological journal article and piece of media must be submitted along with your written assignment.
Topic - Family
Select one of the following research questions to guide their analysis:
The Family (Chapter 13): What effect does the growing diversity of Canadian family forms (e.g. same-sex marriage, single-parent families, common-law families, polygamy, etc.) have on the functioning of the family as an institution?
The expected length of your paper is 4-5 pages (excluding the References). In those pages you must do the following:
1. Summarize the sociological journal article:
What was the purpose of the article?
What are the main points of the author's argument?
2. Critically analyze the sociological journal article:
Clearly describe the research orientation being used to make the author's argument (positivist, interpretive, critical).
What is the level of analysis (e.g. macro/micro) that the author uses?
What sociological approach has the author taken (e.g. social-conflict, structural-functionalist, symbolic-interactionist)?
What are the limitations of the author's approach? Be sure to clearly describe both the strengths and weaknesses of your article.
Give your perspective on the research. Be sure to clearly describe your point of view and your reasons for that position.
3. Connect the article with your piece of media:
Demonstrate your understanding of the social issue represented in your research question, article, and piece of media.
How does your piece of media relate to your research question? Use your sociological imagination.
What assumptions are being made? Is there an implied understanding of how the social world should operate in your piece of media?
4. Use APA citation style (in-text citations and references page) throughout your assignment.