What economic principle justifies the high salaries

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131840921

Module Case -

Assignment Overview - The Case Assignment focuses on several concepts from the labor market including marginal production, total production, and wage determination. These terms are important in determining how many workers will be hired by a firm.

Case Assignment - After reviewing all the Required Materials from the Background page, please address the following questions in an essay or short answer form:

1. What economic principle justifies the high salaries of some professional athletes? Suppose the manager of a baseball team wants to hire a new pitcher for $4 million per year. Under what circumstances would it make sense for the team to do so?

2. Assume that the government of the state of New Jersey has determined that a large number of injuries and deaths have occurred as a result of accidents involving the installation and repairs of electrical equipment at private residences. In reaction to this problem the state assembly decides to pass a law which requires that all certified electricians pass a tougher state licensing examination. Analyze the impact that this law is likely to have on the market for electricians and explain why safety may not necessarily improve.

3. If the market price of the good or service that a firm produces increases, what happen to the demand of labor? Explain.

4. Several cities across the United States have passed legislation to raise the living wage. How would this policy affect firms? Make an argument for or against living wages in your city. Be sure to cite your references. (Note: the living wage calculator is a useful tool to determine the cost of living where you live).

Verified Expert

This assignment is based labor market which is to be analysed on basis of answering the four questions which are based on supply & demand theory to justify the high salaries of professional athletes and can funds be managed for hiring new trainers. The second question is to analyze the impact of law to have on the market for electricians and necessary improvements to be made for safety. The third questions is on analyzing the labor market for the affect of increase in price in the market. And the last question is on the legislation passed by the U.S government for the minimum wages of the citizens.

Reference no: EM131840921

Questions Cloud

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What economic principle justifies the high salaries : The Case Assignment focuses on several concepts from the labor market including marginal production, total production, and wage determination
Find the probability that neither adults : In a sample of 1200 U.S. adults, 186 dine out at a restaurant more than once per week. Two U.S. adults are selected at random from the population of all U.S.
Why you should or should not vacation in a certain place : This essay must contain an introduction that engages the reader, presents a thesis statement, and adequately describes the subject being reviewed.
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What is empirical research and how it is related to applied : Describe two topics of your interest and using the information of the book chapter, justify why those two topics could be suitable for your own research.



1/31/2018 4:33:49 AM

I placed inside the case assignment at the bottom, some references (BOLD), that came with this assignment. Please let me know that you can use them. Answer in 5 pages. Use concepts from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resources you can find. Be sure to cite all sources within the text and provide a reference list at the end of the paper. Length: 5 pages double-spaced and typed. The following items will be assessed in particular: Your ability to examine the labor in a particular firm. Some in-text references to the modular background material (APA formatting not required). The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references including the case readings.

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