What drug might be used instead for the examination

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Reference no: EM132608439


Drugs for dermatologic disorders and Endocrine drugs

Question 1. Nursing implications for health teaching with the client taking isotretinoin include which implications?
a) Avoid sunlight
b) Monitor weight
c) Monitor CBC, glucose and lipids
d) Do not breastfeed or give blood

Question 2. The client has second- and third-degree burns over 25% of his body. Mafenide acetate has been ordered. What acid-base imbalance can result from its use? (Select all that apply.)
a) Metabolic acidosis
b) Metabolic alkalosis
c) Respiratory alkalosis
d) Respiratory acidosis

Question 3. The client is being prepared for an eye examination. When the nurse takes the health history, the client says that she is sensitive to atropine sulfate. What drug might be used instead for the examination?

a. Diclofenac
b. Suprofen
c. Cyclopentolate
d. Betaxolol HCl

Question 4. The school nurse is preparing a presentation for the parent-teacher association meeting on medications commonly used in school-aged children. It is important to note what primary disadvantage of the use of combination products such as Cortisporin Otic?

a. School-aged children may need only one drug, not a combination.
b. Combination products may not have the desired dose for school-aged children.
c. There is an increased cost of using combination products for school-aged children.
d. Combination products are less effective for school-aged children

Reference no: EM132608439

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