Reference no: EM133217742
Assignment - Young Goodman Brown Discussion
Description -
1. Post a one paragraph response with evidence for one of the following questions:
a. What does Young Goodman Brown find out (or think he finds out) about his father and grandfather?
b. What effect does this experience have upon the rest of Young Goodman Brown's life?
I expect for this response to have complete sentences, correct grammar, and no spelling/typing mistakes.
Your posting should be well-written, critical, and thoughtful.
I would strongly recommend you to write the response in Word first, review and edit it, and then copy it into the Canvas window.
You are required to give a substantive comment on two of your classmates' responses.
Use the REPLY button to keep the posting threads intact
The comment should be at least 50 words and I will not give credit for comments like "Me too" or "I agree."
Responses should show a high degree of thoughtfulness.