What does this item suggest about culture associated with it

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133577817

Homework: Visual History Project

Using our newly developed mental pathways, historical fluency, and analytical skill, we will create a descriptive digital collage of visual world history to represent our learning journey over the course of the semester.

Components of the Homework

A. Take a photo of a historic landmark, building, marker, street, object, or place

B. Post the photo to the class bulletin board

C. Identify the photo, providing a title as well as caption that includes both

1. date or time period
2. street address or proximity to a landmark or natural feature to identify its location

D. Describe how you found it or why you chose it

E. Write a brief narrative history that explains the historical relevance

Recommended questions to consider for your narrative

Not all questions will apply to your subject

Question A. Which period, event, culture, or ideology does this item represent?
Question B. What does this item suggest about the culture/s associated with it?
Question C. Who created it, and why? Or was it a notable event that happened here?
Question D. Can we deduce any important info from the materials used to make it?
Question E. How was it used? Did different people use it or value it in different ways?
Question F. Has its function changed over time? How or why?

Scope and resources

We live in an area that is historically abundant with visual history and provides plenty of subject matter to choose from as well as a great opportunity to sleuth out some less obvious subjects in your search. You can choose any area, whether right here in Alexandria, across the river in the District of Columbia, or overseas. You also can choose a subject outside the time period covered in this class (although tough to find pre-1500 in the eastern US). Be as imaginative as you'd like.


A. Take the photo yourself-no lifting from the internet

B. Observe safety precautions (and all laws!) in taking the photo

C. Use your own words to describe the historical significance and your interest in your subject

D. Do let me know if you would like to discuss alternative access-I'm happy to accommodate

E. This homework is meant to encourage you to go out and see your surroundings through a new lens: have fun with it.

Reference no: EM133577817

Questions Cloud

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