What does the variable x contain

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13694817

Question: What does the variable x contain at the end of each of these computations? If the code is not legal in Java, say so.

int iCount = 19;

double dCount = 4.3;

int iSize = 3;

double dSize = 2.7;

a. int x = iCount + iSize;

b. int x =  (int) dCount + iCount;

c. double x =  (int) dCount - iCount;

d. int x = (int) dCount  + - dSize;

e. int x = iCount % iSize;

f. double x = iCount / iSize;

g. int x = iSize * iSize * iSize / iCount % iSize;

h. double x = dSize + iCount - dCount + -dSize;

i. double x = iSize - iCount + iSize / dCount;

j. double x = ((iCount - iSize) + iCount) - (dCount * iSize)/dSize;

Give the answer of given question and also give details and add comments in code section.

Reference no: EM13694817

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