What does the validity theme for psychological reports

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Reference no: EM133634696


1. Which of the following statements is TRUE of the Holtzman Inkblot Test?

Validity for this test is high.

Only one response is allowed per card.

It has better reliability than the NEO.

None of the answers are correct.

2. Which WAIS-IV subtest requires people to identify which part of a picture is missing?

Picture Completion



Visual Puzzles

3. Which of the following is NOT a reason why psychological assessment takes place in private practice settings?

To ascertain current functioning and symptom levels.

To assist with diagnosis and treatment planning.

To determine whether referral to other services or settings is needed.

To meet mandatory requirements for psychology practice in Australia.

4. What does the validity theme for psychological reports refer to?

Aspects of the report such as its length and the amount of detail provided on assessment procedures and test results.

The integration of test results with background information and behavioural observations to formulate recommendations.

Ensuring that a professional writing style is adhered to.

Ensuring that the emphasis of the conclusions is appropriate and correct, and that evidence-based standards for test administration and interpretation are followed.

5. The Rorschach is scored for:




All of the answers are correct.

6. When considering factors that support ethically and culturally safe assessment, selecting instruments that have similar psychometric properties across groups is an example of

Linguistic equivalence

Conceptual equivalence

Metric equivalence

Test validity

7. What cognitive capacity is assessed by subtests in the WAIS-IV Working Memory Index?

a) The ability to hold and manipulate visuospatial information for a short period of time

b) The ability to hold and manipulate verbal/auditory information for a short period of time

c) Memory abilities, including long-term and short-term memory

d) Both a) and b) are correct.

8. Which of the following statements about the reliability of the NEO-PI domain and facet scales is NOT TRUE?

On the whole, the reliability for the NEO-PI is adequate to good.

Generally speaking, the reliability of the facet subscales is equally as good as that for the domain scales.

The facet subscale with the most problematic internal consistency is Openness to Action.

The short-term test-retest correlations for the domain subscales are all above .9.

9. A strong desire to be around other people all or most of the time is linked to high scores in which facet of the NEO-PI?


Positive Emotions



10. Which of the following is a possible explanation for intratest variation?

Faking bad test performance

Problems with attention and concentration

Emotional difficulties

All of the answers are possible explanations for intratest variation.

11. Making a statement in court about a person's risk of re-engaging in violent behaviour is an example of which type of assessment in a legal context?

The prediction of dangerousness

The assessment of competence to stand trial

Child custody assessment

Recommendations for the classification of inmates in correctional settings

12. What does the Full Scale IQ provide?

An estimate of global mental capabilities in relation to an overall adult (18+ years) population

A description of strengths and weaknesses in different cognitive domains relative to similar-aged peers

An estimate of fixed and innate global mental capabilities relative to similar-aged peers

An estimate of global mental capabilities in relation to similar-aged peers

13. Informed consent in the context of psychological assessment involves:

selecting an assessment procedure that has sound psychometric properties.

ensuring you conduct an assessment using tests or approaches that you have received training in.

ensuring the person being assessed understands the reason for the assessment, the assessment process, the possible use of the findings, and who will have access to the assessment information.

using assessment procedures that are culturally appropriate for the person being assessed.

Reference no: EM133634696

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