Reference no: EM132590606
Assignment: 1. Diagnose the following scenario: Mark's parents notice, one night at dinner, that Mark (16 years old) is acting "weird." He was unusually giddy, talkative and seemed to jump from topic to topic, often not making any sense at all. At first they thought it was funny, but then his behavior became down-right bizzare. His dad even jokingly asked, "what have you been smoking?" His mom began to worry later and went to his room to check on him. He was supposed to be doing his homework, but he was just lying on the bed with his eyes open, mumbling and would not respong or, if he did, would respond very slowly to his mom's questions. His mom called his dad in and he noticed that Mark's pupils were dialated. This is when they knew that Mark was on something. They rushed him to the emergency room. The doctors knew that it was adrug reaction, but they weren't sure of the drug. They finally figured out that mark had found an old prescription of OxcyContin, an opioid, that had been prescribed after his dad had a minor surgery. Mark had never used drugs before and he was not delirius or having hallucinations. What is his ICD-10-CM code.
2. What does the term "Comorbid" mean?" Give a very brief example.
3. Todd has been smoking Cannabis (Marijuana) for 20 years. He used to smoke it only on weekends for recreation, but now practically chain smokes cannabis to get the same effect. He has tried to stop many times before, has lost jobs because of it and has been arrested several times. He has been married and divorced twice because his spouses could not abide the constant interruptions that cannabis use caused. What would his ICD-10 diagnosis be?
4. What does the term "assigned gender" mean?
5. The Smiths had a child that was born with both sets of genitalia (intersex). They decided to have the small underdeveloped penis removed and to raise the child as a girl. At about 4 years of age, they began to have trouble with their daughter because she wanted to dress like a boy, play with typically boy type toys and hated the long hair that her parents made her keep. Diagnostically, what might the Smiths be dealing with?
6. For the scenario in question 5 (the Smith's child) what would the typical developmental course be and what are some ways that the parents might help help mitigate some of the distress for the child?