What does the president swear to defend

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133606737

U.S. Constitution Scavenger Hunt


For the U.S. Constitution Scavenger Hunt, the answers are found within the text of the constitution and amendments. For each of the following you must answer the question and list the specific location in the U.S. Constitution where the answer was found. The following examples will show what I mean:

Example 1: Which Amendment guarantees freedom of assembly? Answer: 1st Amendment

Example 2: How is the right of suffrage (vote) for any person regardless of race, color, or condition of previous servitude enforced? Answer: Congress has the power to pass appropriate legislation; 15th Amendment, Section 2

Example 3: What privileges and immunities are citizens of each state entitled? Citizens of each state are entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens of the several states; Article IV, Section 2


What does the President swear to defend in his swearing in process?

How may the President, Vice President and Civil Officers be removed from office?

What is the process for considering and confirming/rejecting a federal judicial appointment called?

May Representatives or Senators simultaneously serve in civil offices of the United States such as Cabinet Secretaries or Ambassadors?

Who presides over the Senate? Do they have a vote in legislating?

When did the United States cease allowing the importation of slaves?

Who establishes federal courts (except the Supreme Court)?

Where is the power of Judicial Review of federal laws found in the Constitution?

What is the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction?

What type of government does the Constitution guarantee each state?

What clause guarantees that one state must respect the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of another state?

What are the two methods for amending the Constitution? What two methods may the states use to ratify a Constitutional Amendment?

Are all states and persons bound by Treaties of the United States?

May religious tests be required for qualification of offices in the United States?

When State law conflicts with federal Law, which has precedence? What clause states this?

Does the judicial branch have the power to overrule state laws that violate the Constitution?

Which Amendment allows government to force owners to sell private property to the government for public use?

Can Congress pass a law to make an action criminal after it is committed or retroactively increase the penalty for a crime? What is this called?

Which amendment guarantees the right of individuals to disagree with and criticize public officials?

Both due process of law and equal protection of the law are addressed together in which amendment to the US Constitution?

Which amendment prohibits the U.S. Government or individual states from denying or abridging the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude?

What amendments prohibit the federal government and state governments from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without due process of law?

Which amendment granted women the right to vote? 18 year old Men and Women?

Which amendment outlawed slavery or involuntary servitude except for as punishment of a crime?

Which amendment extended suffrage to black men over 21 years old? Black women

Which amendment allows for the imposition of an income tax without apportionment among the states?

Which Amendment set January 20th as the inauguration date for the President? Term Limits for the President? What is the maximum amount of time a president may now serve?

Which amendment allows the president to fill a vacancy in the Vice Presidency through appointment? How must that appointee be confirmed?

Reference no: EM133606737

Questions Cloud

How did the laws that were passed in colonial america : How did the laws that were passed in colonial America that related specifically to African women serve to institutionalize a system of chattel slavery
Explain the perspectives on again and apply it to graying : Define and explain the perspectives on again and apply it to the graying of society in the United States.
Examine practices and processes used to accurately document : how to document the hours correctly and consistently will help you prepare for the experience. The purpose of this assignment is to examine practices
Social competence in personal and professional manner : What do you know about social competence in a personal and professional manner? How about social competence in young children?
What does the president swear to defend : What does the President swear to defend in his swearing in process? How may the President, Vice President and Civil Officers be removed from office
Describe your first memory of a cultural difference : Describe your first memory of a cultural difference. Describe potential consequences of a lack of cultural awareness on the social worker's part.
Several physiological and psychological variables : You will record and then evaluate your own biological rhythms using repeated self-measurements of several physiological and psychological variables.
Discuss the role of the nurse in this area wound care : Discuss the role of the nurse in this area wound care (NOTE: If a nursing role cannot be observed, discuss the role of the technician or person you observed).
Evaluate choices and actions of ones own and relate : Evaluate choices and actions of ones own and relate consequences to ethical decision making. Abraham decision that had significant consequences not just


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