Reference no: EM131019330 , Length:
This is summary analysis rubric the movie of summary analysis you write for is CRASH movie published by 2005 directed by paul haggis.
Based on this movie see the pdf Instruction and writing directions
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Here is the pdf format for summary analysis review is CRASH movie published by 2004 directed by paul haggis.Based on this movie see the pdf Instruction and writing directions
Summary-Analysis-Review of "[enter name of film here]"
Instructions: Write a (2-3) page "typed double-space" summary-analysis-review (SAR) paper. This paper will consist of three parts described below. Make the three parts of the paper as equally distributed as you can. The questions under each section are ‘example' questions to help guide your thinking and writing. You do not need to address all of these guided questions that appear under each section. Also, do not take up unnecessary space by including subtitles to label each section; just type the content for each of the three parts to present a smooth essay flow.
Write the SAR in paragraph form using complete sentences. Remember, only pick the important scenes and details to support your Summary-Analysis-Review of the film. Be sure to back up your analysis and opinions with specific examples. If you refer to outside sources, be sure to follow an acceptable documentation style such as MLA or APA. Place a Works Cited page (MLA) or References page (APA) at the end of your SAR; this page will not count towards the 2-3 page count limit.
Summary (Part 1): First, briefly summarize the selected film (e.g. video, dvd) that we viewed and discussed in this class. Your summary should be brief and should not take up the bulk of the SAR paper. Focus on key scenes only.
1) What series of events occur? Summarize only key events.
2) What is the conflict? Why does it occur? How does it build to a climax?
3) Is the conflict resolved? How is the conflict resolved?
Analysis (Part 2): Then, analyze the film. Your analysis section of the SAR paper should take up 1/3 of the text. Analysis can focus on "any" element of storytelling (e.g. character, plot, theme, etc.)
1) Who is (are) the main Character(s)?
2) What are the distinguishing qualities and characteristics of the main character(s)?
3) What does the main character want? Goals/ambitions/aspirations?
4) How and why does the main character(s) change as the film progresses?
5) Theme: What is the theme of the film's story? What broad statement about the human experience does the story suggest? What evidence (scenes) from the movie support your interpretation of this theme?
Response (Part 3): Finally, review the film, giving your own personal assessment. This section represents your opinions or review of the film.
1) What did you like about this movie?
2) What did you dislike about this movie?
3) Was the outcome satisfying to you? Why or why not?
Format: (2-3) pages. Type in Times New Roman font, size 12 pt. Double-space. All papers should be clearly identified in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of your paper only. Please do not exceed 3 pages!