Reference no: EM131280872
Question :In the textbook, on page 400, solve problem 7.18:
What does the following program do?. Copy the sample program and compile it, then find the results.
Submit a report which is more than one page length to explain how the program works and how you can improve it.
Your report should be formatted according to APA style. Write comments in C++ comments format in the source file, to explain what the functions are and how they work.
How to submit your assignment:
Copy your source code and paste it to a separate page located after the References page in your Word document. Your professor will copy and paste your source code into Dev C++ to verify it compiles and runs correctly.
Submit your paper via Waypoint by day 7.
Deitel P.J., & Deitel H.M. (2008). C++ how to program (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
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