What does the central limit theorem state

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133508429

Question  1, Calculate the Mean and the Standard Deviation of this sample. 2. Using the normal distribution curve, calculate the probability the truck's total weight is under 11,500 lbs. What is your decision? Will you allow the truck to continue or will you call the driver and tell him/her to turn back? Show all of your calculations.

Question 3. Discuss several types of sampling: es convenience sampling random sampling, stratified sampling systematic sampling or cluster sampling, Discuss which type of sampling is used in this scenario.

Question 4. Discuss what sampling bias is. Do you believe that using the 30 boxes in your warehouse caused sampling bias?

Question 5. What does the central limit theorem state and why is it important to solving this problem. Is the thirty boxes of ball bearings enough to predict the probability of safely going over the bridge?


Reference no: EM133508429

Questions Cloud

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What does the central limit theorem state : Discuss several types of sampling: es convenience sampling random sampling, stratified sampling systematic sampling or cluster sampling
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What did you do well and seek to further build : What I do well in The. Eagle my stimulation name well on resale price and unit production and ok on battery life, What did you do well and seek to further build
Monitoring the work operations of a section : THE WORK OPERATIONS OF A SECTION within your workplace or within the Training Kitchen (during a service or production period)


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