What does the brute force method do exactly

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131970181


1. Write a hangman's program where the user is a computer that has to guess the word "JAVA." The computer uses a brute force method.

a. First write the program that shows (prints) each guess (the letter) and also draws the result (line by line, circle by circle) when the guess is wrong.

b. What does the brute force method do exactly?

The computer draws both the gallows and the victim. The gallows and hapless victim look like this:


a. Why does the computer win every time if the word is JAVA?

b. Look at the following list of words and determine ahead of time if the computer would win. Then prove our conclusion by running your program

Word List:






Attachment:- Gallows-and-Victim.rar

Reference no: EM131970181

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