Reference no: EM133212855
1. Safety techniques used in response to a blood Bourne pathogen or bodily fluid exposure are:
A. Observing Universal Precautions
B. Preventive Hepatitis B vaccination
C. Wearing appropriate PPE
D. All of the above
2. Medical office safety is regulated by this governmental agency
A. Medicare
B. The Office of the Surgeon General
3. Lisa, a new Medical Assistant came into your office crying. After giving a patient an injection, she was struck by the needle when trying to put the cap back on.
1. As the office manager, what are two things you should do immediately?
2. What could the office manager do to prevent this from happening again?
4. A fellow employee at your office is disinfecting the counters in the physician exam rooms after hours. She is mixing bleach solution using bleach and water As she is pouring the bleach she spills it on her hand. It is starting to burn. What would you instruct your co-worker to do right away?
5. After reading Chapter 5, discuss electrical safety and fire issues in an ambulatory care environment. List five possible causes of fire in a medical office.
6. Using Procedure 5-7 in Chapter 5, list 5 ways to prevent fires in a medical office.
7. In terms of a fire evacuation, what does the acronym RACER stand for? Briefly explain each step of the evacuation process in your own word.
8. 1. What does the acronym MSDS stand for?
2. What is the purpose of the MSDS in a medical office?
9. 1. Describe proper body mechanics when lifting a heavy box (chapter 5).
2. What is ergonomics? How can it be applied to an employee answering the phones all day?
10. Review Chapter 5, Procedure 5-9 and identity the s critical elements of an emergency disaster plan