What does research suggest about the mindset of people

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Reference no: EM131969930

Assignment: Essays Part I:

Your writing should illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original personal and/or professional integration of the assigned text material. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness, and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite your work according to APA format. Legal, ethical, and cultural considerations must be included when applicable.

Please discuss each question "in your own understanding" using and citing the course text to support your discussions.

Your answers to each question should be approx. 1 page per question.

Your entire assignment must be 4-5 pages total plus a title and reference page.

1. Research suggests that most people have "positive illusions." Explain what positive illusions are, identify the general function of positive illusions, and identify the three different types of positive illusions that people have. Then give an original example [not from the text] of each.

2. What does research suggest about the mindset of people who are suicidal? In particular, where do suicidal people stand in terms of their self-awareness, their level of emotionality, and the levels of meaning at which they are thinking?

3. Define scripts and schemas, explain how they enable us to better process information. Give an original example [not one from the text] of each.

4. Briefly describe the different ways in which emotions can improve or hinder judgments, decision-making, and performance. When and why are they helpful and when and why are they harmful?

5. Much research suggests that people's attitudes are not predictive of their behaviors. However, in some cases, people's attitudes ARE highly predictive of their behaviors. Identify at least three factors that increase attitude-behavior consistency.

Assignment Outcomes: 1. Compare and contrast major theorists and the concepts of social perception and social cognition

2. Formulate the concepts of group function, social influence, interpersonal conflict, and pro-social behavior

3. Discriminate and assess the determinants of aggression

4. Integrate cultural, legal, and ethical issues of social psychology

5. Analyze some of the major contemporary research trends in social psychology

Reference no: EM131969930

Questions Cloud

Direct and indirect price discrimination : In which cases do you think an organization benefit from using direct and indirect price discrimination?
What type of research study is the most comfortable : Has this course assisted you in understanding data presented in research studies that you come across in your daily life (work or personal)? Explain.
Use solver to maximize the companys profit : A furniture company manufactures desks and chairs. Each desk uses four units of wood and three hours of labor.
Explore triangle shirtwaist factory fire in us history : Explore Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in U.S. history and analyze how they relate or pertain to the economic, societal and environmental sustainability.
What does research suggest about the mindset of people : What does research suggest about the mindset of people who are suicidal? In particular, where do suicidal people stand in terms of their self-awareness.
Prepare a mock job application that includes the elements : You should submit a mock job application that includes the elements discussed below. Firstly you need to select a ‘job' you would like to apply for.
Compare concepts of social perception and social cognition : Compare and contrast major theorists and the concepts of social perception and social cognition. Formulate the concepts of group function, social influence.
Industrial organizations of perfect competition and monopoly : What are the differences in the conclusions between the industrial organizations of perfect competition and monopoly?
Describe your future career goals : Describe your future career goals and what steps you need to take reach those goals, including plans to pursue a degree in higher education.


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