What does red carpet need to change

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Reference no: EM133598730

Discussion Post

Respond to the scenario below with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas.

Now that you have gained an understanding of Red Carpet, Leroy has asked you to join in on a preliminary meeting with the VP of HR and other members of the organization to discuss change. The meeting is important because many employees are unsure of their role in the change process. In fact, the VP of HR has not settled yet on what type of change is needed or how to start the change process. Leroy has asked you to participate in the discussion to help clarify information needed about the change process.

Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course, and with your classmates, discuss the following questions that will provide insight into the change process:

Question 1. In your opinion, what does Red Carpet need to change? Should the change be transformational, developmental, or transitional, and why?

Question 2. What employees or employee groups should be included in the change process, and why?

Question 3. What do you recommend Red Carpet do to begin the change process?

Reference no: EM133598730

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