What does paul say about division and disunity

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Reference no: EM133318360

Question: Now that we have reached the end of Paul's letters, we have a moment to reflect on the totality of Paul's leadership in the early Church. Paul, as you have discovered, is far from an easily described man; he has texture and depth, intelligence and emotion, eloquence and simplicity. This final discussion board post is a chance for you to pull together thoughts about Paul. Through your studies and readings over the last couple of weeks, what would you argue is the central concept of Paul's leadership style? This is different than asking what motivates Paul's work; the motivation for Paul is Christ's having come into the world, and Paul longs to spread the news about Jesus Christ across the world. How would you describe Paul's shepherding these churches? Does he express care for their situation and futures? What does Paul say about division and disunity? In dealing with Philemon, does Paul show restraint in not ordering Philemon what to do?

Reference no: EM133318360

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