Reference no: EM133364632
1. How to calculate an hourly rate?
2. Identify 2 service departments KPIs relative to your business. List reasons why they are important and how you can improve them.
3. Explain the role of value proposition in a business plan.
4. What does operation management deal with.
5. What can be identified by referring to your operation plan.
6. All workshops need to make use of sub-contract specialized work. Give examples and overview of what may incur sub-contractor cost.
7. Give an overview of the steps you would take to end a budget deficit.
8. Detail the ways you can modernize your marketing efforts.
9. List the details an operation plan should include.
10. List 4 types of business planning.
11. What is the purpose of a market assessment.
12. What is meant by objective setting.
13. Describe in detail why KPIs and KRIs are two critical ingredients of sound risk management.
14. In an organization discuss long term growth goals which may include diversification into other products or service lines, expansions or additional facilities.