What does ogtt stand for and what is an ogtt

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133397850

Case: At age 35 years, Marilyn's weight has increased to 87 kgs, she leads a sedentary lifestyle, consumes a high saturated fat and salt diet and smokes 10 cigarettes daily. She has visited her GP complaining of fatigue, recurrent vaginal thrush and itching skin. Marilyn's GP suspects that she may have developed TZDM. He determines that Marilyn needs to have an OGTT to confirm or deny his suspicions.


What does OGTT stand for and what is an OGTT? o in 100-150 words (+I- 10%), describe the preparation and procedure for an OGTT as you would to Marilyn, her significant other, her family, andlor carer.

Create your own table identifying the normal markers and the results confirming a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. You must include both the fasting and 2 hours post carbohydrate load levels. Do not copy and paste a table from your referenced resource.

Reference no: EM133397850

Questions Cloud

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