Reference no: EM131761428
Introduction to Sociology, 2nd ed. Author OpenStax ISBN: 9781938168413
Choose one of the following questions:
1. What does it mean to have a "sociological imagination?" How does this relate to what Mills describes as the connection between the individual and culture? The reading discusses the example of marriage using the sociological imagination.
Share an additional example of an issue that might be analyzed by sociologists as both an individual and societal issue.
2. Describe the different types of social norms, providing examples. What are the functions of social norms in society? How do you think your culture would exist if there were no such thing as a social "norm"? Explain.
3. Select a topic of contemporary relevance that is of interest to you (for example, poverty, juvenile delinquency, teen births, or racial neighborhood segregation).
Briefly describe why you selected the topic. Using what you learned about sociological research this week, create a simple research question about the topic.
Match your research question to an appropriate research method and describe how as a sociologist you would conduct the research to answer your proposed question. Also take into account ethical guidelines for research.
The Week 1 Forum meets the following course objectives:
Apply a sociological perspective to the social world
Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
Describe culture and socialization.
Describe the major research methods used in sociological research
Instructions for all Forums:
Each week, learners will post one initial post per week. This post must demonstrate comprehension of the course materials, the ability to apply that knowledge in the real world.
Learners will engage with the instructor and peers throughout the learning week. To motivate engaged discussion, posts are expected to be on time with regular interaction throughout the week. All posts should demonstrate college level writing skills.
To promote vibrant discussion as we would in a face to face classroom, formatted citations and references are not required. Quotes should not be used at all, or used sparingly. If you quote a source quotation marks should be used and an APA formatted citation and reference provided.
Hello everyone,
There are four types of norms namely, folkways, mores, taboos, and laws.
Some norms originate from and organize casual interactions, and forthcoming out of repetitions and routines. They are mostly in operation, and we use them daily to satisfy our needs (Hechter, M. & Opp, 2005). Folkways draws a line between being rude and polite behavior, they pressure us to act in a certain away but the lack moral significance.
For example, the practice of waiting in (or on) line in many of the society is an example of folkways. This process creates order I buying things and services and also smoothens the ways things are done in our lives (Casson M., 1997). Another example is appropriate dressings in the society dependent on the settings.
Mores determines what is called moral or ethical behavior. They are stricter as compared to folkways since it define what is considered wrong or right in the society. Mores exerts more coercive force in shaping our values, behavior, beliefs and how we interact with other unlike folkways (Casson M., 1997).
Example of the mores are the religious doctrines that governs social behavior. Many religions have prohibited cohabiting, if a strict person cohabits with boyfriend or girlfriend they view themselves as immoral.
This is prohibition to violating the strongly followed norms in the society, if you violate it my result into being disowned from the society (Casson M., 1997). Example Muslim eating pork which is considered as unclean.
This is a formal norm that is inscribed in a state that is enforced by the government agencies to prevent one from injury or harm from another or destruction of property. Example the constitution of USA which protects USA citizens.
Social norms are used to control behavior of people in the society to bring about peaceful coexistence (Posner E., 2002). They are also met to protect and safeguard our social, cultural values in the society. They maintain law and order in the society thus maintaining fabric if our society. Finally, they help in self-control and assist in the survival of the society.
Lack of social norms will create a disorganized and dis-functional society (Bicchieri C., 2017). Where anybody does what he or she feels like doing thus killing the fabric of society
Bicchieri, C. (2017). Norms in the wild: How to diagnose, measure, and change social norms.
Casson, M. (1997). Culture, social norms and economics: Economic performance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Hechter, M., & Opp, K.-D. (2005). Social norms. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.
Posner, E. A. (2002). Law and social norms. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: Harvard Univ. Press.
Respond to the teacher 200 words from the book above assigned to this class: you make some good points here. What can you add that you learned from the assigned readings?
Respond to the student 100 words: Reed:
I chose to discuss norms as well. I had a thought about the difference between mores and folkways while I was reading your post. The difference between how cultures perceive behavior and whether it is a serious or mundane violation of a norm. In the Middle East for example flipping the bird to someone doesn't really mean much.
The middle finger displayed in the U.S. can elicit a very energetic response however. Maybe the difference is more along the lines of understanding the meaning of the gesture. To flip the coin if you show the bottom of your feet to someone in the Middle East it is considered very disrespectful. Do that in the good ole U.S. of A. and I don't think anyone would pay much attention.
On to taboos I think that most cultures hold some value of human life. It may be that a class dictates which life is considered more valuable than another but there is still some level of value there.