Reference no: EM132721613
Demonstrate comprehension and synthesis of recent course topics, themes and materials through responses to critical thinking questions posed by instructor.
Integrate additional researched information into responses; deepening understanding of course themes/topics.
Through discussion, explore and engage with differing ways of interpreting and making sense of the week''s topics and materials, identify unanswered questions, seek to clarify or reinforce our understanding, etc.
To Do:
Part 1: Ponder, Research & Compose
Choose a question or two from the options below. Indicate the question/s you are responding to by providing a heading/subheading. Responses should:
Demonstrate reading, comprehension, and ability to apply course materials and course learning. Make explicit reference to the course materials in your responses.
Integrate perspective and insights from at least one additional non-course resource of your own selection. You can use any and all library resources and article databases, or other credible popular press resources. Please make sure to cite outside resources.
Your response should be about 500 (min) words total and be proofread and edited for clarity
Question Options (choose 1-3 questions to respond to):
Define adulthood. What does it mean to be an adult in American society? For example, what behaviors are expected, and how do you determine whether a person has reached adulthood? Does it differ from the definition of adulthood in other societies, cultures or eras?
What is mature intimacy? Let's brainstorm on the qualities that characterize mature intimacy (not limited to intimacy that involves sexuality). I will start with the quality of trust. We are reminded of Erikson's view of basic trust as the foundation of psychosocial development; the foundation of a healthy personality and by extension, healthy relationships. A former student beautifully (and painfully) described loss/lack of trust in a relationship as feeling that the other person is "not on my team anymore." Continue with the brainstorming.
Do you think the portrayal of romantic love in literature, film, television and advertising colors our expectations and experiences of romantic love? What are some of the positives and negatives?
Do you think that life events might help foster post-formal thought? If so, what kinds of life events might help develop this kind of reasoning/thinking? How does post-formal thinking differ from formal operational thinking? How might the characteristics of post-formal thinking affect young adults' decisions about sexual behaviors, marriage, and career choices?
The end of chapter 10 discusses personality development in young adulthood. It is argued that the "work" we do on personality development and self-concept and the expectations we set for ourselves in young adulthood color and influence how we see ourselves across the rest of the lifespan. What does your social clock look like? What are some of your "possible selves"? How do these possible selves reflect personal goals or values? How has your self-concept and identity changed over time? Has it?
Most American families are in a constant state of juggling roles and responsibilities, however every individual and family manages and experiences this process in very different ways. Investigate how individuals and families you know manage. Ask questions about the presence or lack of control at their jobs, how do they balance work, home, etc., what strategies do they use to keep it all together?
Given that there are many ways to be generative in adulthood, identify how a person's life circumstances might affect (positively or negatively) his or her ability to express generativity. For example, identify biological, environmental, social cognitive or emotional obstacles and/or supports. I think of Christopher Reeve and how his accident and paralysis led to new kinds of generativity for him. Which is not to say that he did not experiences times of stagnation; I imagine he struggles with that often.
Menopause is a biological process-however, the experience of the changes is very much influenced by culture and the expectations of what these changes will bring and mean. Thus, it also becomes a psychological and sociocultural event. What kinds of messages are sent to women in our culture about menopause? What factors in our society influence the attitudes and perspectives associated with menopause? How do our cultural views of beauty, aging, productivity and sexuality influence women's (and society's) perspective and experience of menopause?
What changes do you anticipate will occur in (mainstream American) attitudes toward, and treatment of, the elderly between now and the time you are 80 years old? Do you think the quality of care for those in late adulthood will have improved? Why or why not?
As we discussed earlier in week 6, identity is a "forever-to-be-revised" facet of the self. How is identity reconfigured during the stages of late adulthood? What are the unique changes and challenges to identity one may encounter during this stage?
Explore your views and reflections on the following quote:
"Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backward." -Soren Kierkegaard
Part 2: Discuss & Dialog
After everyone has posted their Home Group responses by Friday midnight, we will begin discussion and dialog over peer work and ideas. I will be looking for at least two discussion contributions. This can be feedback and insights posted to peer work, or a response to feedback provided to your work. Please read the following information about what effective online discussion looks like. Lots of examples of how to engage!: How to Participate in Online Discussion.
*Demonstrated comprehension of and ability to apply course materials and course learning to posed questions.
*Explicitly and appropriately integrated course materials into response.
*Effective selection of additional researched material, effective synthesis with course materials in responses to question.
*Cited outside resource
*Demonstrated effort in composing insightful, thoughtful responses.
Attachment:- Discuss and Dialog.rar