What does information ethics mean for your professional goal

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131935124


What does information ethics mean for your professional goals? We are going to complete short annotated bibliographies to explore that question in more depth.

Locate 3 information sources related to a case of plagiarism or a question of information ethics in your current line of work or in an industry that you would like to enter after you complete your degree. Then, write an annotation for each of your three entries. Remember that a proper annotation includes a summary of the source you cite, an evaluation of the quality of the source that you are citing, and a consideration into how it might interact and inform other sources that you use.

Reference no: EM131935124

Questions Cloud

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What does information ethics mean for your professional goal : What does information ethics mean for your professional goals? We are going to complete short annotated bibliographies to explore that question in more depth.
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Establishing effective communication-home-school-community : How can early childhood professionals eliminate the barriers for establishing effective communication between home-school-community partnerships?


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