What does human imagination have to do with computer graphic

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM131396136


Read the article by Fred Brooks, Computer Scientist as Toolsmith. For this assignment, focus on the last page of the article under the heading "What Can We Computer Graphicists Do?" and answer these questions:

• What does human imagination have to do with computer graphics?

• How do the words of Jesus and the apostle Paul relate? (how do those words help a computer graphicist do a good job?)

Use your own words to express Brooks' idea. (Copying the article and changing word choices is not using your own words). The document should be clear and concise, free from syntax and semantic errors.

The document should 2-3 pages and must include a single spaced using standard 1" margins and an appropriate 12 point proportional font such as Century Schoolbook.

• Please read the attached document before starting this assignment.
• Document must be plagiarize free.
• Submit it on time please.

Reference no: EM131396136

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