What does google maps do

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131777690

1. Search modules should ALWAYS be:

A. complex
B. simple
C. multifaceted

2. Search action modules should:

A. only be on the front page.
B. be on every page.
C. be given their own dedicated page.

3. Search engines should NOT:

A. require extreme precision.
B. require thorough data input.
C. be too descriptive.

4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good search result page?

A. Provide hyper linked text titles
B. Compensation for common misspellings during searches
C. Large amounts of data with each search result

5. Tabbed navigation is limited by the:

A. minimum number of tabs you can create.
B. amount of space available to display tabs.
C. jump menu.

6. Customers are generally asking themselves three questions while they are navigating on your web site. Which of the following is NOT one of the questions?

A. Where am I now?
B. Where can I go from here?
C. How did I get here?

7. When considering embedded links; text links should be:

A. long
B. densely packed
C. similar to other text

8. Which of the following compression types should you watch for loss of image quality?

A. Lossy compression
B. Interlaced compression
C. Direct compression

9. What does Google Maps do to help their customers when loading satellite images with their site?

A. They divide the images up
B. They use lossless compression
C. They use progressive scan

10. If you want to create a web site specifically for wireless devices, you should use:




Reference no: EM131777690

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