Reference no: EM132178196
Answer the following Question :
Watch the video "White People" (41 minutes long)
Write a four (4) page paper double spaced 12 point 1 inch margins with your reaction to the video, in your own words, specifically answering the topics outlined below.
Living in a Segregated Society
The film opens with young white people talking about what it means to be white. Notice and write about the terms and phrases they use, such as "norm" and "how it's always been."
Write your reaction to living in a society where white people live, work and worship almost primarily with people of their own race. Do you think this is good, not good, or that it does not matter? Do you believe that you would be comfortable living in a community where you are the minority?
The Power of Words
In this segment, there are two topics to address:
1) the gay white male living in a small southern town is attending a historically black college (HBC) describing entering a room and counting the white people. Have you ever been in such a situation and, if so, how did that make you feel? Have you ever counted people "like you" when you enter a room? Do you believe you would do that if you were a person of color?
2) Brittannee reacts strongly to the use of the term "ghetto." What does "ghetto" mean to you? Have you ever used the term? Do you believe it has a negative connotation (meaning)? Why do you think Britannee reacted as she did?
Lakota Indian Reservation
On this reservation of 725 Native Americans, students at the local school are being taught by 14 white teachers. One of the teachers said that as a white history teacher he gets the message that in this setting, "skin color represents something bigger..." indicating his white skin color. What does he mean by that?
What do you think of the fact that "Wasichu" means "greedy" but also means white person" in Lakota? Is this stereotyping white people? Is it deserved?
Are there disadvantages to being white?
Katy believes that she is financially unable to attend the college of her choice because she is being discriminated against for being white. She states that if she were a person of color, she probably would have been awarded a financial scholarship.
Do you believe, as Katy's mom said, that there is "reverse discrimination" against white people" How did you feel after learning that the facts show exactly the opposite, that there is an advantage to being white when it comes to earning scholarships in the US? How you do feel about Katy's statement that she felt she was being attacked when she was presented with the facts?
Color Blindness
Many millennial students stress that they are not racist and believe racism is wrong and state they "do not see color." Please address the statement in the film that such a statement is dismissive of the discrimination that people of color experience and that this is used to avoid the topic of race. What facts are cited about how people feel about talking about race. Do you think color blindness is a good thing or a bad thing?
White Privilege Workshop
Write your reaction to the conversation the young man had with his parents about his workshop and his talking about white privilege at the dinner table with them. Have you had similar discussions with your parents? Did your parents talk with you about race?
Brooklyn and the new immigrants
Express your thoughts about the Italian family talking about the influx of Asian Americans into their community. Discuss how language barriers make people uncomfortable and afraid to reach out to someone, which is sometimes interpreted as being unfriendly, on both sides. What did you think about the Italian mother's use of the "us" and "them" terms. Do you believe she changed her mind during the discussion?
The Future
Your generation will be faced with a much more diverse society as the years go by, as projections say that by 2050 the white population will be a minority in the US. How will you prepare yourself to adjust to this new world? Be specific. Finally, do you have any ideas/thoughts on how you can continue the conversation this film started here at Robert Morris University? Do you believe RMU is a welcoming campus? Explain your answer.