What does fashion merchandising mean to you

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131764123

You need help with some fashion questions :

1- what does fashion merchandising mean to you?

2- what are your top 5 favorite fashion trends?

3- what do you think has inspired those trends?

4- what is your favorite source of fashion inspiration?

5- what kind of career ( fashion or non fashion oriented) would you like to attain after college? I would like to attain Accounting because ......................

6. do you feel like you are a fashion leader or follower? Why?

7- how would you describe your personal style?

8- what do you think your style says about you?

Reference no: EM131764123

Questions Cloud

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What does fashion merchandising mean to you : What does fashion merchandising mean to you?What are your top 5 favorite fashion trends?What do you think has inspired those trends?
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Testing a random digit dialing device : Voters Voter registration records show that 41% of voters in a state are registered as Democrats. To test a random digit dialing device, you use it to call 250.
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