What does education mean to you

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133332725


Can someone answer the following questions?

  • What does education mean to you?
  • What has been your educational experience so far (positive, negative, changing over time)?
  • What have been your strongest influences, and how have these shaped who you are today?
  • Have you seen your identity reflected in your family, the school curriculum, your teachers/professors, and other community activities?
  • Do you carry multiple identities? If so, how do you experience them?
  • How does your personal identity influence your identity as a student and your future goals?

Reference no: EM133332725

Questions Cloud

Analyze the conversation sample for lexical : Analyze the conversation sample for lexical/pragmatic properties. For each sub-question, provide a specific example from transcript that justifies your answer.
Contrast ?ne arts and applied arts : Compare and contrast ?ne arts and applied arts. Explain your answer brie?y. How does one become a good artist?
How is violence presented in romeo : How is violence presented(theme) in romeo and juliet in all the acts (5 acts) give evidence with quotes from the text.
How these crimes in terms of public opinion on punitiveness : A Review and Future Directions article, briefly discuss the research on how we handle these crimes in terms of public opinion on punitiveness.
What does education mean to you : What does education mean to you? What has been your educational experience so far (positive, negative, changing over time)?
What musical influences do you hear in each of these songs : What musical influences do you hear in each of these songs and how would you categorize each of them in a genre? (grunge, heavy metal, rock?)
What kinds of essential revolutionary work : What are the three possible meanings of this term that she defines? What kinds of "essential revolutionary work" "are rendered unnoticed" by scholars?
Do you think animals need a bill of rights : Do you think animals need a Bill of Rights? Would such a law go against centuries of human culture? Would it increase the cost of food?
Examine 5 online personalities : Investigate, analyze, and examine 5 online personalities. How have they communicated their identities in their online world?


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