What does death mean to shelly

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Reference no: EM133579698

Question: In at least 450 words, please answer this prompt:

What does death mean to Shelly? How does she cope with her mother's death, and how does she learn traditions from her grandmother when she works with the ghosts in the story? For example, why does she cut her hair?

You will provide examples from the text that discuss your points with evidence, analysis, and concrete writing and examples.

Each of your paragraphs will specifically answer the questions below. Do not sway from the topic provided for the questions.

Reference no: EM133579698

Questions Cloud

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What experiences stand out to you : What experiences stand out to you? Did you experience any challenges? If so, what were they? How did you manage them?
Why do you think smith depicts the amerindians : Why do you think Smith depicts the Amerindians as "savage devils"? Is it just cultural biases that are driving his opinions, or could he be thinking
What does death mean to shelly : What does death mean to Shelly? How does she cope with her mother's death, and how does she learn traditions from her grandmother when she works
List those two strategies : List those two strategies, along with a paraphrase of their explanation for each. Be sure to use the proper in-text citation and to put in quotes any borrowed
What are the consequences to the examples storytelling : What are the consequences to the examples storytelling, characterization, or themes as a result of how the world of the story is "drawn," that is to say
Which used chords for the left hand : Which used chords for the left hand while the right hand played melody and solos in a single note style, and this new style set the standard for modern jazz
Improvisation to the new chicago style : Orleans-style collective improvisation to the new Chicago style that focuses on individual soloists


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