What does congressman mcmorris-rodgers mean by pork

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133316406


Recently Congresswoman Mendoza proposed a bill to provide direct cash relief to workers who made under $40,000 that were adversely effected by the Coronavirus outbreak.

Congresswoman McMorris-Rodgers came out hard against this, arguing that it was a "tax-and-spend liberal pipe dream that only means more pork that will win her votes during re-election from the far left".

What does Congressman McMorris-Rodgers mean by pork?

a. It is a fundamentally flawed proposal.

b. She is in favor of it, but she thinks that it can done in a cheaper and more efficient way.

c. It is spending that they're not in favor of and it's being framed as frivolous.

d. She's not in favor of it because it is frivolous spending.

Reference no: EM133316406

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