What does climate change mean

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Reference no: EM133313945

Topic: Climate and Energy sections on website

Question: Answer the followin:

  1. What does climate change mean ?
  2. What is the difference between climate and weather?
  3. How does accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lead to a warming of the earth? (you can watch one of the videos listed for more information on dynamics)
  4. What is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change?
  5. Do a bit of google research to find out what the Paris Agreement or Accord is. This came into effect after the making of this web site. What does the Paris Agreement or Accord hope to achieve?
  6. What are the four main emission types that lead to temperature rise?
  7. Why are droughts and floods important to understand as part of climate change?
  8. How does fracking work?
  9. What three countries have the largest reserves of oil in the world?
  10. What is one difference between conventional and unconventional oil and gas?
  11. What is biomass energy?
  12. Where does the proposed and now halted Keystone XL pipeline go? Why is it considered dangerous?

Reference no: EM133313945

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