What does bryans behavior illustrate

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Reference no: EM131013587

QUESTION 1. More prestigious occupations require:

A. less technical training than low prestige occupations.

B. less abstract thought than low prestige occupations.

C. more formal education than low prestige occupations.

D. more technical training than low prestige occupations.

QUESTION 2. Bryan's mother taught him to be kind and honest. When faced with the opportunity for dishonesty, Bryan remembered his mother's words and was honest. What does Bryan's behavior illustrate?

A. Internal social controls

B. Formal social controls

C. Informal social controls

D. External social controls

QUESTION 3. Riley, a medical assistant, earns $49,000 annually. She decided to move from the emergency department to the pediatrics department for about the same salary. Riley has experienced:

A. intragenerational mobility.

B. horizontal mobility.

C. intergenerational mobility.

D. vertical mobility.

QUESTION 4. When her father gets mad at her mother, Ellen's father yells at her mother. Now, when Ellen gets mad, she yells. This is an example of:

A. primary socialization.

B. secondary socialization.

C. modeling.

D. indirect learning.

QUESTION 5. Your sociology class this semester is an example of a/an:

A. primary group.

B. ideal group.

C. secondary group.

D. out-group.

QUESTION 6. At the Barkley Company, there are forty employees. Addison is the President and CEO. Below her, Jack and Ross are managers. The thirty-seven others work below the managers in the storeroom or on the show floor. Which of Weber's ideal characteristics does this scenario exemplify?

A. Explicit written rules and regulations

B. Impersonality

C. Division of labor and specialization

D. Hierarchy of authority

QUESTION 7. The terms "society" and "culture" are:

A. literal opposites.

B. independent

C. mutually dependent.

D. mutually exclusive.

QUESTION 8. Which of the following statements about crime is true?

A. Property crime is more prevalent than violent crime.

B. There are more arrests for violent crimes than for property crimes

C. There are more arrests for victimless crimes than for violent crimes

D. There are more arrests for victimless crimes than for violent crimes

QUESTION 9. Language, geographic roots, traditions, and religion are all components of:

A. ethnicity.

B. race.

C. colonialism.

D. assimilation.

QUESTION 10. Which social class is known as the one that most American's classify themselves as including those with annual incomes below $20,000 and those with annual incomes above $150,000?

A. Working class

B. Middle class

C. Upper class

D. Under class

QUESTION 11. Marlin is a 33 year-old male and an avid swimmer. He has competed in several national championships. Marlin is also the father of three young children, and is married to Peggy, a computer engineer. Marlin and Peggy live in the suburbs and own a nice home. What type of status is Marlin's gender?

A. Ascribed

B. Achieved

C. Master

D. Earned

QUESTION 12. Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau mails forms to every home in the United States to collect federally mandated data. Which data collection methods is the Census Bureau using?

A. Secondary Analysis

B. Survey

C. Evaluation research

D. Field research

QUESTION 13. Race:physical characteristics::ethnicity:

A. cultural characteristics

B. environmental characteristics

C. actual characteristics

D. emotional characteristics

QUESTION 14. The hierarchical ranking of people who have different access to valued resources is referred to as:

A. social networking.

B. inequality.

C. dependency.

D. social stratification.

QUESTION 15. Men are _________ likely to be victim of a homicide, robbery, or aggravated assault than women.

A. equally

B. slightly less

C. less

D. more

QUESTION 16. When are crime and deviance dysfunctional?

A. They erode trust in formal relationships

B. They dissolve tensions

C. They create trust in poor relationships

D. They provide temporary safety

QUESTION 17. Stephanie is a best-selling author of children's books. While she makes a very good income, she has very little power or prestige. This is an example of:

A. status conflict.

B. role reversal.

C. status inconsistency.

D. role conflict.

QUESTION 18. C. Wright Mills introduced the concept of the "sociological imagination." He used this term to describe the connection between:

A. history and the physical environment.

B. historical issues and biography.

C. biography and the physical environment.

D. man and biography.

QUESTION 19. Which of the following is NOT a sexual orientation?

A. Androsexual

B. Bisexual

C. Asexual

D. Heterosexual

QUESTION 20. Opposition to same-sex marriage is highest among which of the following groups?

A. Persons age 40-54

B. Persons who live in the North West

C. Persons who live on the East coast

D. Persons age 55 and older

QUESTION 21. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a formal organization?

A. Social statues and roles are organized around shared expectations and goals.

B. Norms governing social relationships specify the members' rights.

C. A formal hierarchy includes leaders or people who are "in charge."

D. Social structure is informal and contingent upon the members' experiences.

QUESTION 22. Gender identity is typically developed:

A. during adolescents.

B. after puberty.

C. during young adulthood.

D. early in life.

QUESTION 23. Which of the following, created in 1978, made it illegal for employers to fire, demote, or penalize a pregnant employee?

A. Equal Pay Act

B. Pregnancy Discrimination Act

C. Fertility Enhancement Act

D. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

QUESTION 24. Sociologists use which of the following dimensions as indicators of social stratification?

A. Education

B. Wealth

C. Age

D. Gender

QUESTION 25. Pam was inviting children to her daughter's birthday party. She invited all of her neighbors, except the new family, the Chos, who recently moved from South Korea. By not inviting the Cho family, Pam exhibited:

A. stereotyping.

B. scapegoating.

C. prejudice.

D. discrimination.

Reference no: EM131013587

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