What does architectural alignment entail

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133098318

1. What does an architectural alignment entail? What questions should you ask during an alignment?

2. What are the risk categories defined within the enterprise supply chain?

3. What is the true cost of information security? How should an architect measure this cost?

4. Provide three common risk mitigation strategies for handling the enterprise.

5. Compare and contrast three different types of cognitive biases in risk management.

6. Describe the process of building a road map for enterprise security. Include the stages and activities that should take place to define it.

7. What are the different roles and responsibilities in a security incident response?

8. What are some best practices for avoiding data loss and data corruption? What questions should you ask about data to help guide these practices?

9. How do you optimize value in an enterprise, and what is the architect's role in this endeavor?

10. How should users and processes be defined in a trust model? Provide example of building blocks within this trust model.

11. What is BYOD? What is MDM? What are good policies for organizations to implement these?

12. Compare and contrast three different types of motivational biases in risk management.

13. In which cases should a database be encrypted? What is selective database encryption? How would you go about doing it?

14. What are the three possible outcomes of the current generic security architecture that emphasizes users, application, and data. What are the shortcomings with these outcomes?

15. Provide a method for categorizing enterprise data and determining its risk and security levels.

Reference no: EM133098318

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