Reference no: EM132316424
This week's readings outlined the benefits and challenges to organizations implementing work-life policies. An organization can create policies, but cultural change requires more than just a change in policy. As your reading points out:
- Policies are sometimes under-utilized by career-oriented professionals.
- Users may face stigma; career backlash; glass ceiling effect.
- Policy use is sometimes not supported by management.
Absenteeism, supervision, equity, performance, customer service and the overall creation of more work for managers who have to coordinate the implications of more complex policies are among the most prevalent concerns of among management when considering the implementation of these types of policies.
Given the valid concerns, what are the benefits-both tangible and to the culture of an organization that undertakes the adoption of policies designed to help employees with work-life balance? What does an organization stand to gain if it can work through the growing pains of implementation? Have you worked as an employee-have you worked for an employer who offered work-life policies? How were they implemented? Were you able to use them? Discuss your experiences as they relate to what you've read.
2) Paper
Part I - During this assignment, you will create a carefully produced, professional resume that you may use to apply for employment in the future.
- If you already have a resume, you are still required to produce a new one a template/layout provided from the resource websites below. You are free to use the information from your existing resume, but you should produce a new one with updated information for this assignment
- The goal is to create a new resume that now incorporates your MBA coursework and skills you have acquired since beginning your program of study.
- I recommend you have someone else review your resume prior to submitting the final draft for grading. This can be either a classmate, family or friend or current co-worker.
Part II - The second part of this activity will be to include a critical self-reflection on the process of writing your resume. Resume writing is an activity that requires us to think broadly about our accomplishments, successes, and things that didn't go well. It can be an emotional journey for some. As you take stock of where you are right now, what did engaging in the activity bring up for you? Did writing your resume illuminate any successes that you needed to highlight? Did it make clear gaps that you feel you need to fill before completing your program? Was this activity helpful to you? Why or why not?
The critical reflection should be about a page in length.
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