Reference no: EM133652235
Say you are doing an activity for preschool/toddlers and they showed interest in airplanes so you made paper airplanes to play outside here are some pictures *using the format below
1. See... Write the literal story of what you think is happening in the observation. What were the children and educators doing with the materials and how? What was said, or do you imagine was said by them and/or the educators? Remember, you do not have to tell the story of the whole observation. Pick the parts that are most important to you and describe them in detail for your reader. Imagine that the reader did not see the video, how will you help them to be part of that moment?
2. Think ... Begin to dig deeper in your understanding of this moment. What happens if you look closer and observe with curiosity - looking for the questions instead of the answers? What were they thinking? What theories do you think they were testing? What are you curious about? This section is about asking questions, not finding answers!
3. Feel...What do you imagine they were feeling? What are YOU feeling as you observed? Make sure to include both your feelings and the children's feelings about that moment
4. Wondering about relationships...How are your seeing, thinking and feeling connected to the relationship between the child and materials, the child and other children, the children and educators, the humans and the land, etc.? How do we make sense of these relationships, feelings and thinking? You can include your conversation with colleagues about your wonderings here
.5. Connect... connect to the theories and ideas taught in class and from your previous knowledge and lived experiences. (You can include Think Feel Act, and/or Toward a pedagogy of Listening, ideas from other cultures, HDLH, 100 Languages of Children,) NOELECT. Though you could make many connections, pick the connections that best match your thinking, feeling, seeing and wondering. Present a deep focus on one or two connections.
6. Act... What does all of the above call you to offer the children? What materials do they need to continue their investigation? What materials may inspire their thinking? What experiences may enhance the relationships? Why?