What does a high debt ratio indicate

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131306692

1. Financial Characteristics. What three financial characteristics can be monitored by analyzing your personal balance sheet?

2. Liquidity Ratio. What is the liquidity ratio? What does it indicate? How is the debt-to-asset ratio calculated? What does a high debt ratio indicate? How is your savings rate determined? What does it indicate?

Reference no: EM131306692

Questions Cloud

Describe the process of creating an annual budget : How do you think people who do not create a budget may deal with cash deficiencies? How can this affect their personal relationships?
What is a personal balance sheet : What are bonds? What are stocks? What are mutual funds? Describe how each of these provides a return on your investment.
When can we get together and talk about the media : "I know you don't have time now, but I would like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of promotional tool as they relate to the target segment and branding strategy. When can we get together and talk about this?"
Define current liabilities and long term liabilities : Describe two ways real estate might provide a return on an investment.- What are liabilities? Define current liabilities and long-term liabilities.
What does a high debt ratio indicate : How is the debt-to-asset ratio calculated? What does a high debt ratio indicate? How is your savings rate determined? What does it indicate?
How can front office sales increase the hotels bottom line : Who would you include in a brainstorming session to address improving the point-of-sale office? What ideas do you have for improving the point of sale office? How can front office sales increase the hotel's bottom line?
Describe how wealth is built over time : Describe how wealth is built over time. How do your personal cash flow statement and your personal balance sheet assist in this process?
How credit card usage can impact your spending habits : Explain in logical terms why a weak economy can cause the net worth of individuals to decline.- Explain how credit card usage can impact your spending habits.
Perform a swot analysis on your chosen organization : How is their growth? What is their mission statement? Do they seem to be following their mission? Who are their competitors? Perform a SWOT analysis on your chosen organization. Are they global?


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