What does a diversity audit entail

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131481333


Please answer the following questions in essay format. Must be at least one full page of written work (excluding quotes/references), Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced; and cited in the proper APA format.

1. Reflecting on what you have learned in this class, what do you think are 5 challenges that corporate and executive level leadership may come across, as it relates to diversity policy and procedures in an organization?

2. Define "Diversity Audit". What does a diversity audit entail? How might a diversity audit positively or negatively shape an organization's strategy?

3. Choose an organization (either your current employer or a company of your choosing). What is the organization's diversity policy? Do you have any recommendations for amending the diversity policy?

4. Utilizing the Internet, identify the difference between ‘traditional' and ‘non-traditional' organizational structures. How does diversity play a role in each of these types of organizations?

Reference no: EM131481333

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What does a diversity audit entail : Define "Diversity Audit". What does a diversity audit entail? How might a diversity audit positively or negatively shape an organization's strategy?
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